Welcome to the official website of the Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs Mostar, which was originally established as a viewer of cadastral data at this web address (katastar-hn.ba). By establishing a website katastar.ba the need to exist this website as such is stopped and from now on this is the site of the Administration. On our website you can find basic information about the Administration and its competences, planned activities and relevant documents. We aim to give you transparent access to all data that is public and within the authority's of Administration.
12. ožujka 2024.
19. svibnja 2023.
20. siječanj 2023.
12. listopada 2021.
1. Projekt izrade aplikacije za uspostavu i vođenje registra prostornih jedinica - adresnog registra
2. Projekt označavanja ulica i trgova nazivima i zgrada brojevima te izradom adresnog registra za dio teritorija općine Čitluk
3. Projekt izgradnje infrastrukture za uspostavu i vođenje registra prostornih jedinica - adresnog registra u HNŽ/K
4. Projekt označavanja naselja, ulica i trgova nazivima i zgrada kućnim brojevima s izradom registra prostornih jedinica na području HNŽ/K
5. Projekt izrade Geoportala HNŽ/K
Contact :
Address: Stjepana Radića 3, 88000 Mostar
Tel: 036/326-794
Tel/Fax: 036/326-795
Useful links :